Friday 24 September 2010

Bangin' Tune from Mark Ronson

Mark Ronson - The Bike Song

I first heard this tune about a month ago, I believe it was on Radio 2. I've caught bits of it over time, then yesterday I heard it twice in 3 hours. I liked it as it brings with it an air of familiarity; opening with Ronson's trademark klaxon-sound, it lets the listener know it's him even though other folk are doing the singing! I thought the vocals rang a few bells, and I was right, they are sung by Kyle from The View. They have went off the radar big style but it looks like a comeback is on. At the end, there is a hint at a sample from Third World - Now That We Found Love (although you may be more familiar with the Heavy D and the Boyz version

Favourite part is at 2:05, the bell rings. A nice retro trip!

I would embed the video but YouTube aren't letting me!

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