Monday 18 August 2008

Sunday's Playlist

Here's a list of the songs I played on Sunday 17th August. Brilliant night, place was rammed and good fun had by all!

Kelly Watch the Stars - Air
Handclapping Song - The Meters
The Boy With a Thorn in His Side - The Smiths
More Than This - Roxy Music
The Liquidator - Harry J. Allstars
Drive My Car - The Beatles
Hate to Say I Told You So - The Hives
Get Innocuous! - LCD Soundsystem
Here Come the Girls - Ernie K. Doe
Union City Blues - Blondie
It Hurts to See You Dance So Well - The Pipettes
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend
DARE - Gorillaz
Tiny Little Fractures - Snow Patrol
A Certain Romance - Arctic Monkeys
Graffiti - Maximo Park
So Here We Are - Bloc Party
There's No Other Way - Blur
Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above - CSS
Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
Waterfall - The Stone Roses
Happy - Travis

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