Friday, 9 January 2009

The Best Use of Opera in Films

Movie soundtracks, everyone's always going on about them. I wanted to get on that bandwagon as I love movie soundtracks, but I decided instead to take a different angle. So here's my top 3 operatic compositions which find themselves in movies:

Number 3 - Carmen Suite # 2 by Georges Bizet, as found in Trainspotting. Happens near the start of the film, seems slightly juxtaposed in the context but fits in well.

Number 2 - The Great Escape. Definitive and emotive. You hear this, it cannot be confused for anything else. With its march tempo and snares in the introduction, this is a theme which beats all other commissioned themes!

Number 1 - Clair de Lune by Debussy, as found in Ocean's 11. The sound of success and reflection in the film. If I was to only hear one piece of classical music ever again, it would have to be this song. I know very little about the genre, but I know this is fantastic!


Michael Reid said...

David Byrne does a great version of 'Au Fond Du Temple Saint' in his latest album. I think it's from Bizet...

Danielle said...

So I may have never seen 'The Great Escape', but of course I know the tune! As I was listening I thought, "Haven't I played this recently?" But no, in fact the song I was thinking of was one we played at our Christmas concert:

But hopefully you can hear that 'The Great Escape' is being referenced by that tune, which makes sense since apparently the cartoon is based on the movie (or something like that)!

Stuart said...

Thanks for the comment Michael, I'll listen out for the David Byrne track.

Danielle, did you get to play Chicken Run theme at your Christmas concert? I was hoping it was some footage of the actual concert, but never mind!

Danielle said...

Yes, we did get to play Chicken Run at our Christmas concert. I should have informed you of it at our run-in in the hallway, but I thought that might be a bit weird. Next time...

Stuart said...

I'd have declined as I was giving blood that afternoon, remember? I was heading to my office to drop off my bag before I went!